lot 91 (The Interiors Sale, 16th Jan, 2025)
Group of mixed ceramics and collectables to include Yixing type brown stoneware teapot of squat form; Wedgwood black basalt jug; a pair of Wedgwood ... read more
Sold for £110 More details 12
lot 92 (The Interiors Sale, 16th Jan, 2025)
Various 19th century and later porcelain to include a childs tea set etc (qty)
Estimated at £20 - £40 More details 18
lot 93 (The Interiors Sale, 16th Jan, 2025)
Two bronze statuettes of cherubs carrying amphora 'Les Paniers' by Gay Johnson; three treen balls carved in a floral bud form; a pair of brass twist ... read more
Sold for £80 More details 6
lot 94 (The Interiors Sale, 16th Jan, 2025)
An extensive Minton dinner service, Gold Laurentian pattern consisting of a cream border with gold and grey scrollwork, to include: two lidded ... read more
Sold for £120 More details 5
lot 95 (The Interiors Sale, 16th Jan, 2025)
A set of three reproduction Mason’s pottery wall plaques, 19.5cm, and a collection of eight Pratt ware pot lids, framed 15cm and smaller (qty)
Sold for £60 More details 8
lot 96 (The Interiors Sale, 16th Jan, 2025)
A Royal Worcester model of Jersey Bull, designed by Doris Lindner
Sold for £60 More details 6
lot 97 (The Interiors Sale, 16th Jan, 2025)
A Royal Worcester model of Friesian Bull, designed by Doris Lindner
Sold for £60 More details 4
lot 98 (The Interiors Sale, 16th Jan, 2025)
Six Royal Doulton character jugs
Estimated at £20 - £40 More details 5
lot 99 (The Interiors Sale, 16th Jan, 2025)
A group of Royal Doulton, to include two Robbie Burns plates, a bowl and nine plates to include The Falconer, The Doctor, The Jester etc.
Estimated at £20 - £40 More details 7
lot 100 (The Interiors Sale, 16th Jan, 2025)
Nine various porcelain and other figures (some with damage), a Dresden letter rack (glued), various cups and saucers etc
Sold for £90 More details 7