lot 263 (The Interiors Sale, 3rd Aug, 2023)
An early 20th century carved oak bureau, carved '19 JDS 13' with scrolling foliate, 84 x 64 x 44cm
Sold for £45 More details 5
lot 264 (The Interiors Sale, 3rd Aug, 2023)
An early 20th century oak three tier buffet, 94 x 107 x 59cm
Sold for £50 More details 5
lot 265 (The Interiors Sale, 3rd Aug, 2023)
A late Victorian oak bookcase, the frieze carved 'BOOKS LIKE FRIENDS SHOULD BE FEW AND WELL CHOSEN' 110 x 109 x 26cm, together with a carved oak ... read more
Sold for £180 More details 3
lot 266 (The Interiors Sale, 3rd Aug, 2023)
An early 20th century beech and elm smoker bow armchair stamped to seat; together with a strap work oak stool 52 x 46 x 31cm and a set of oak folding ... read more
Sold for £110 More details 5
lot 267 (The Interiors Sale, 3rd Aug, 2023)
A 17th century and later oak panelled court cupboard, bearing date '1669', 154 x 157 x 58cm
Estimated at £200 - £400 More details 8
lot 268 (The Interiors Sale, 3rd Aug, 2023)
A 17th century and later oak refectory table on barley twist legs and stretchers, 74.5 x 91 x 182cm
Sold for £260 More details 17
lot 269 (The Interiors Sale, 3rd Aug, 2023)
Six Flemish style upholstered oak dining chairs (6)
Estimated at £70 - £100 More details 3
lot 270 (The Interiors Sale, 3rd Aug, 2023)
A late 17th century oak coffer with three panel carved and moulded front, 128cm wide, 55cm deep
Sold for £110 More details 12
lot 271 (The Interiors Sale, 3rd Aug, 2023)
An early 18th century oak court cupboard, later carved and adapted, 181cm high, 179cm wide
Estimated at £150 - £250 More details 7