A Chinese painted pottery, "stick figure', probably Han Dynasty
lot 359 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
30cm high
Sold for £190 More details 2
A group of three Chinese horse ceramics
lot 360 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
to include a straw glazed pottery horse torso, perhaps Han, 19cm long; a Sui style painted pottery horse and rider, 23cm high and a painted pottery ... read more
Sold for £850 More details 10
A Chinese light-grey pottery, large storage jar, of Han Dynasty type
lot 361 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
ovoid, with six shoulder strap handles, 57.5cm high
Sold for £260 More details 9
A Chinese red pottery, large ovoid vase, plain, Neolithic or later
lot 362 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
54cm high
Sold for £360 More details 15
A group of four Vietnamese bowls
lot 363 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
to include a blue and white porcelain small circular bowl, probably 15-16th century, 24cm diameter; a similar decorated deep bowl, 14.8cm diameter ... read more
Sold for £160 More details 9
A Chinese green glazed vase Hu, Han Dynasty (206 BC-221 AD)
lot 364 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
with taotie mask and ring handles, 40cm high
Sold for £800 More details 17
A Tibetan gilt bronze figure of the High Lama Tsongkapa, 19th century
lot 366 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
dressed in a tall hat, his hands in a mudra, on a double lotus plinth, with replacement base plate, 11cm high
Sold for £1,100 More details 8
A Sino-Tibetan gilt bronze Buddha, 19th century
lot 367 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
seated with hands held in a mudra, on a double lotus plinth, the base sealed with an engraved copper plate, 10.3cm high
Sold for £1,100 More details 8
A Tibetan copper and gold inlaid steel plaque depicting Chakrasamvara, 18th/19th century
lot 368 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
within a border of zodiacal animals and skulls, a lotus to the base, 60 x 41cm
Sold for £2,000 More details 12