A Chinese painted pottery polo equestrian group, in Tang Dynasty style
lot 339 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
33.5cm long
Sold for £700 More details 9
Two Chinese painted pottery graduated 'cocoon' vases, probably Han Dynasty
lot 340 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
30 and 26.5cm high
Sold for £700 More details 17
A group of three Chinese green glazed pottery items
lot 341 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
comprising a pig in pigsty model, probably Han Dynasty, 22 x 7cm; two models of a rice grain tilt-hammer, 22 x 17cm (3)
Sold for £220 More details 8
A Chinese unglazed grey pottery model of a farmyard, probably Eastern Han Dynasty
lot 342 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
with four goats therein, 29cm high
Sold for £750 More details 4
A group of four Chinese tomb figures
lot 343 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
one cream glazed pottery standing female figure perhaps Sui Dynasty, 24cm; three other unglazed tomb figures 31cm and 26.5cm high (4)
Sold for £850 More details 22
A Chinese green glazed pottery square stand, cusped apron, Han Dynasty
lot 344 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
25 x 25cm
Sold for £260 More details 4
A Chinese mustard glazed pottery vase with moulded "animals" girdle band, Han/Warring States
lot 345 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
20cm high
Sold for £380 More details 9
A Chinese burnished black pottery two-handled vase, Sichuan type, perhaps Han Dynasty
lot 346 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
18.5cm high
Sold for £400 More details 3
A Chinese painted pottery small storage jar, Neolithic, Banshan type
lot 347 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
painted with chevron panels in black, 14cm high x 11cm neck diam
Sold for £340 More details 17
A Chinese olive glazed pottery jar, probably Warring States (475-221 BC)
lot 348 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
of compressed shape, taotie scroll shoulder handles, incised designs and tripod feet, 21cm high
Sold for £550 More details 6