A Chinese sandstone torso of Avalokiteshvara, in Sui/early Tang style
lot 159 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
52cm high
Sold for £1,600 More details 3
A Chinese white marble fragmentary upper body of Avalokiteshvara, or Manjusri, in Tang Dynasty style
lot 160 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
36cm high
Sold for £1,300 More details 10
A Chinese grey limestone torso of a Buddha, Northern Qi Dynasty style
lot 161 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
carved in the round, the Kasaya leaves the right shoulder bare, the lines of the garment are depicted intaglio in single and double lines, 73cm high
Sold for £2,600 More details 10
A Chinese grey veined marble Seated Buddha, in Northern Wei style
lot 162 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
depicted in peaceful meditative pose on a figurative dais, carved with arcades of Buddhas in niches and lions around the frieze, 44cm high
Sold for £2,400 More details 3
A Chinese pottery recumbent hound, Wei Dynasty
lot 163 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
with golden painted coat, 10cm long
Sold for £300 More details 2
A Chinese limestone torso of a Bodhisattva, Northern Qi Dynasty style
lot 164 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
carved in the round, wearing a yingluo pendant and long skirt, a broad band at the waist, 60cm high
Sold for £2,600 More details 15
A Chinese sandstone fragmentary Kylin, Qi Dynasty style
lot 165 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
with polychrome painted detail, 30cm high
Sold for £480 More details 3
A Chinese white marble figure of a Buddha, lower body only, Northern Qi style
lot 166 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
carved in the round, wearing a Kasaya, 36cm high
Sold for £700 More details 2
A Chinese pale grey stone figure of a Buddha, torso and legs, Northern Qi Dynasty style
lot 167 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
78cm high
Sold for £440 More details 4
A Chinese cream stone stele fragment with two apsara musicians, possibly Wei Dynasty
lot 168 (The Fine Sale, 9th Dec, 2020)
33.5cm high
Sold for £700 More details 3